NewGen is an employee-owned, Alternative Investment Manager based in Toronto, Canada. The firm specializes in absolute return strategies that seek to provide its investor base with a combination of consistent uncorrelated returns and capital preservation during periods of market volatility. NewGen has generated a track record of returns that are well above Canadian Equity Market and Hedge Fund Indices while maintaining defensive portfolio exposures.
NewGen was founded to offer investors an alternative to traditional long-only investment strategies. We strive to deliver a truly unique return stream with minimal correlation to other asset classes. Our firm employs active fund management strategies driven by a fundamental research process designed to identify market inefficiencies. The strategies consistently adhere to a disciplined risk management framework to minimize downside volatility and preserve capital. Our diverse investor base is comprised of Institutions, Family Offices, Retail Advisors and High Net Worth Individuals.
NewGen is registered with the Ontario Securities Commission as a Portfolio Manager, Investment Fund Manager and Exempt Market Dealer.

NewGen Asset Management Manager Commentary
NewGen manages in excess of $1B on behalf of Institutions, Family Offices, Retail Advisors and High Net Worth Individuals